God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
US Protestant theologian (1892 - 1971)
Reinhold Niebuhr
US Protestant theologian (1892 - 1971)
If you can't tell by now I am a great admirer of random quotes: It is amazing how with a few simple words a world of meaning can be articulated. I especially love this quote for all that it can represent. Acceptance does not always mean Loving. We can learn to accept our faults and the faults of our significant other. We can learn to accept our family and all of their eccentricity. Learning to accept them will allow for bridges of communication to mend.
Bridging-the-Gap.jpg ashpfoundation.org
A difficult coworker can also be something we can't always control, but accepting that we cannot change it but learning how to work with it and live with it may allow us to be less stressed or aggravated at work.
Learning to accept ourselves and all of our own quirks is a lifetime of work. Everyone is born to a genetic disposition how we learn to embrace it will be the mapping of our life's work. We are born Asian/Black/White/Hispanic/Female/Male/Confused: how do we adapt that is up to us. We are born Tall/Short/Thin/Pear Shaped/Square Shape/Round. how do we accept it?
body shape, ...
We can change and adapt and learn. We can fix and mold and enhance. Like my journey through weightloss. I know I do not have a model's body. I am short 5'1 on a good day. :) And I am Asian. All these things can not be changed. But I can choose to be healthy. I can choose to not want sickness in my future when my gene pool is already against me. (Cancer on my dad side and High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol on my mom's side) But why give sickness a winning chance. As I've aged.. I learned.. to accept the wisdom of my mother's words. I use to resent it... but :::sigh::: indeed she does know best... "for the most part". So happy Acceptance to all.
Multicultural Faces (2009)
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