Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Things I Love

There's no particular order to this list but here is a list of  things that never fails to calms me during those URRRGH days and  just makes me want to take a deep breath and go aaaaaaaaah... I love pictures and images so most of my post I will try to include some form of image to help you visualize what I'm talking about. At work I always try to choose a wallpaper a day for my desktop. Maybe I should do a blog for that as well. I guess I've been a blogging mood as of late.. I always intend to but never get around to starting one. so this is my effort to start things that I always intend to-do. Like going to the gym again.. (today will be my first day back to the gym... sigh) Love hate relationship I tell you him and I. *raising fist* @ Mr. Gym. Yet another blog subject for the future. K onwards to the list.

1. Clouds.. yes you read it right.. I love clouds.. there is no one cloud that is the same. I love them all.. They are expressive and emotional. Its like the sky's personal canvas. Have you seen lazy day drifting clouds? or angry, emo don't bother me don't mess with me leave me the F*** alone type clouds? Maybe even hopeful clouds and inspirational clouds? I'm not crazy really ... but I LOVE LOVE clouds. Guess that's enough about clouds.

2. Walking in the Rain :  Whenever it rains and I happen to get caught in it.. (unless I'm suppose to go somewhere important).. but I love walking in the rain. It reminds me of my childhood when I lived in a simple village surrounded by family and running around naked in the town plaza playing in the rain. I love the soft drizzles, the wet fog like thick blanket rain, the pouring rain ( curl in your blanket type rain). Or even a romantic stroll under a shared umbrella type rain. Can't you just picture a dark night with street lamps, a couple walking down the street arm in arm with a red umbrella .. cozying  (not even a word I'm sure) up to each other to keep warm? Though in real life it's a little more awkward then romantic.. but still the image is quite nice. And have you ever tried listening to the rain? Its just so awesome!

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