Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekend Plans

I'm such a home body that I'm surprise I actually have plans this weekend. Gone are the old days of partying it up till the wee hours. Bye to the night owl that waits till the sun rises before tumbling home and fall flat on my bed to pass out. Guess it comes with growing up...

Growing Up is Overrated (just ask Da Vinci!)

Today is Friday ( Last day of the work week! Yah!!) after work is 1hr of my time spent with Mr. Gym. (sigh ). After that I want to spend time with my BF (Mr. Leo "will talk about him in a different blog"). It has been more then 2 months maybe even 3 months since we've gone so I am looking forward to it. 

Poster art for "The Help."I really loved  The Help: (went to see it with Mr. Sloth "will have to talk about him in a different blog"). If you have yet to see it .. Please do :)

Teaser poster for "Rise of the Planet of the Apes."and Planet of the Apes comes highly recommended..
or... do I want to see a girl kicking some searious Ass? Poster art for "Colombiana."

Saturday: we have a birthday party to go to for Mr. Leo's coworker.. ( I love kids.. but I dont know if I really want to go.. to a stranger's little kid's bday party.) Being a total party pooper here. I grew up being kinda introverted and shy.. total book worm as a kid. Was part of the summer reading program that public libraries use to host... My every waking moment was spent with my nose in a book. ( till this day I think).

We will then be going to Oakland, CA for their Eat Real Event in Jack London Square!.. Can't wait.

Sundays are of course normal for me: Family Day or Parents Day is Weekly for me :) I spend almost every Sunday going back home to see my parents. They can be annoying at times but they are the only one's I've got and I love them to death. :)


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